One Step at a Time: The First Elephant Prosthetics (Great Big Story/CNN)

When Mosha, an elephant, was two years old, she lost her leg in a landmine injury along the Thai-Burmese border. Luckily, an orthopedic surgeon was able to fit her with the first prosthetic leg ever designed for an elephant. As she's grown, she's needed to be fitted for new ones.

Katrina reported and produced this story in Northern Thailand at the World’s First Elephant Hospital.

A sick bull elephant soaks up some rays at the World’s First Elephant Hospital.

James Cameron's Universal Stories (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Legendary filmmaker James Cameron tells Fareed Zakaria where he gets his story ideas and why they resonate with so many people around the world.

Katrina wrote and produced this interview. She also formerly worked on James Cameron’s film Avatar.

Why is Syria being readmitted to the Arab League? (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

After 12 years of civil war and 300,000 dead, Syria and its infamous leader Bashar Al-Assad are back in the Arab League. What is behind this change of heart? Middle East expert Fawaz Gerges provides insight into the changing geopolitical dynamics of the region.

Katrina wrote and produced this interview.

Bernard Henri Levy documents the frontlines of Ukraine’s war (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, French philosopher and filmmaker Bernard Henri Levy has travelled to Ukraine’s frontlines - places like Kharkiv, Kherson, Odessa and Bakhmut. His new film “Slava Ukraini”, which means “Glory to Ukraine” is a portrait of the soldiers, people and destruction in this war-torn country.

Katrina wrote and produced this interview.

Is Iran on the verge of another revolution? (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Iranian-American writer Roya Hakakian explains why the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini sparked the ongoing protests in Iran. She says, “There is a unified movement throughout the country that is focused on a singular slogan we have never heard: ‘Women, Life, Freedom.’”

Katrina produced all of the recent Iran protest coverage for Fareed Zakaria GPS.


Guardians of the Pangolin: The fight to save the world's most trafficked animal (Coconuts TV)

If you've never heard of the pangolin, you're not alone. The majestic rhino and elephant tend to steal the spotlight when it comes to the issue of illegal wildlife trafficking. But the plight of the pangolin is dire.

Katrina travelled across Vietnam and deep into its jungles to host, investigate and produce this story about people trying to protect the endangered pangolin, the most trafficked animal in the world.

FULL STORY published by Coconuts TV.

Last Look: Bhutan's Covid-19 success (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Fareed looks into how a small and relatively poor nation tackled the pandemic so well, and the lessons wealthier nations can learn from it.

Katrina reported, wrote and produced this segment.

Last Look: A coup in Myanmar (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Fareed takes a look at the track record of Aung Sang Suu Kyi, who was overthrown by the Burmese military after a failed transition to democracy.

Katrina produced this segment.


Rohingya Children Losing Future Without Education (VOA)

As Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy stepped into power in Myanmar, one of the big questions was whether the Nobel Laureate's party will improve human rights in the country - particularly for the long-persecuted Rohingya Muslims. Confined to prison-like internment camps, a generation of Rohingya children are growing up deprived of education, leaving little hope for their future.

Katrina travelled into Myanmar’s Rohingya camps to investigate and film this story.

FULL STORY published by Voice of America.


Myanmar’s Annual Rohingya Exodus Placed on Hold (VOA)

It is "sailing season" in Myanmar, a time when thousands of persecuted Rohingya Muslims have typically taken to the seas in pursuit of better lives abroad. But this year was different. Government crackdowns on human traffickers and a historic election had many people cautiously optimistic that the situation for the Rohingya would finally improve.

Katrina spent time with Rohingya refugees living in camps in Sittwe, Myanmar to report and film this story.

FULL STORY published by Voice of America.

Navalny's daughter: His prison conditions are getting worse (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Dasha Navalnaya, daughter of imprisoned Russian politician Alexey Navalny, gives an update on her father's condition.

Katrina produced this story.

Amal Clooney and Nadia Murad on Pursuing justice against ISIS (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

Human rights lawyer Amal Clooney & Nobel Prize winner Nadia Murad tell Fareed about their mission to hold ISIS accountable for genocide against the Yazidis.

Katrina produced this story.


Hong Kong's Hidden Shame: Why is foreign domestic worker abuse so rampant? (Coconuts TV)

When news broke that a young maid in Hong Kong had been brutally tortured by her employer, the pictures of her burned and bruised body went viral, sparking protests and international attention. What was perhaps even more shocking is that, while her case was extreme, it was by no means unique.

Katrina investigated why foreign domestic worker abuse is so widespread in Hong Kong, and met with women who had been subjected to abuse by their employers.

FULL STORY published by Coconuts Hong Kong.

Foreign domestic workers gather in Hong Kong’s Central District on their day off.


A secret Chinese police station in New York, and Russian election interference in Florida (CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS)

CIA veteran Carol Rollie Flynn analyzes the recent discovery of a covert Chinese police station operating out of New York’s Chinatown district, and a Russian disinformation campaign to interfere with a local Florida election.

Katrina produced this interview.


Water Fight! Soaking in the Thai New Year (Great Big Story/CNN)

Every April, Thailand rings in the new year with water buckets and squirt guns. The annual Songkran festival falls during the country's hottest month, and in addition to parades, people celebrate by soaking each other in a massive water fight. The custom symbolizes a cleansing of the past year's misfortunes.


Toms: The Complex World of Female Love in Thailand (Coconuts TV)

Thailand's 'toms' (as in tomboys) inhabit a unique place on the gender spectrum. They are girls who dress and act in a masculine way, typically sporting a uniform look of short hair, t-shirts and jeans.

Katrina co-produced and narrated this short documentary.


On The Edge Of Genocide (Coconuts TV)

Every dry season, thousands of Rohingya make desperate attempts to flee Myanmar on crammed and dangerous human trafficking vessels. Step inside one of the camps created for this persecuted ethnic minority, and you will understand why. 


Counterfeit Kingdom: Thailand's Fake Goods Museum (Coconuts TV)

You can find counterfeit copies of just about anything in Bangkok - clothes, electronics, cosmetics, even drugs. In fact, so many fakes are sold here that there's a museum dedicated to them.


Hong Kong's Young Anti-Occupiers (Coconuts TV)

In 2014, thousands of pro-democracy protesters occupied the main districts of Hong Kong to fight for universal suffrage. The movement was largely supported by young people, but we decided to get the perspective of some outliers - young people who were against the Occupy movement.

Katrina hosted, wrote, produced and edited this story.

Hemmed in by Mekong Dams (SciDev)

The Mekong River is the largest inland fishery in the world, with 2.1 million tonnes of fish harvested each year that are essential for food security in the region. It is the third richest river in the world in terms of fish biodiversity, featuring 781 fish species, including 165 migratory species. The river also has one of the world’s largest sediment loads. Yet, dam development is threatening the region’s rich ecosystem and productivity.

“In terms of food security, we’re talking about 550,000 to 800,000 tonnes of migratory fish that are at risk every year,” said Eric Baran, a senior scientist at WorldFish. “That’s the equivalent of the annual production of freshwater fish in the whole of West Africa.”

FULL STORY published by SciDev.